Literature Visualisation I 5' I 2021
Plankton is the visualisation of a chapter from the book "Niemandsstadt" by Tobias Goldfarb for a hybrid reading sponsored by "Lesen und Schreiben in Echtzeit" (Reading and Writing in Real Time), a project of the Friedrich-Bödecker-Kreis in Berlin e.V. and Neu Start Kultur.
directors Hazal Kara I Sezin Ertek
co-procuder Timur Savcı
supportive producer Burcu Çelebi
cinematographer Ayşe Alacakaptan
production manager Tuğçe Kep
art director Naz Aksu
sound designer & composer Jan Tobias Shutter
sound mixage Ludwig Fiedler
with Bengü Ergin